School reopening protocols issued by Dubai Government place safety first

Mohammed Darwish: Each school is different; protocols give them a starting point to think about what works best for them


 The health and safety of students and staff at Dubai’s private schools take top priority in new protocols just released by the Government of Dubai.  The protocols govern the reopening of schools in the new academic year, and include specific criteria related to physical distancing and school buses, among others.


Mohammed Darwish, CEO of Permits and Compliance Sector at KHDA said: "The protocols are in place to make sure there’s a consistent and effective approach to keeping everyone at school safe and healthy once schools reopen next academic year. We understand that each school is different – the protocols give each school a starting point to think about what works best for their community and the context of their school.”

The protocols cover different areas of school operations, such as:


·         Entry, pick-up and school visit procedures

·         Screening and contact tracing

·         Physical distancing arrangements

·         School buses and transportation

“We’ll be working closely with school leaders over the summer to make sure that they have all the information and support they need as they adjust to new ways of operating.  Keeping students, teachers and school staff safe when schools open again is the responsibility of all of us, and it’s important we continue working together to make sure that the experience is a safe and happy one for everyone involved,” Darwish added.

To read the full guidelines, please see (


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