Ministry of Community Development targets Child Relevant Authorities with Remote Awareness Workshops

As part of the strategy of the Ministry of Community Development to provide remote awareness workshops about the child rights law, the Ministry targeted educational experts, social and psychological specialists and administrative supervisors in Sharjah Private Education Authority, as well as parents of school students to focus on   awareness and educational initiatives about “Wadeema Law” and presented by Social Protection Department in order to enable all competent authorities to childhood to properly apply the law, especially under the conditions of home quarantine and procedures against coronavirus-COVID 19 pandemic.

The first workshop targeted specialists in the Sharjah Private Education Authority, held "remotely", and addressed the rules and provisions of the Federal Law on Child Rights Law and its regulations in order to disseminate and circulate information about the culture of child rights.

Eman Hareb, Director of Social Protection Department at the Ministry of Community Development, said: “The awareness workshops carried out by the Ministry "remotely" focus on a range of topics: the measures to protect the child rights of the child and the appropriate means to implement them, the responsibilities of the competent authorities towards applying Wadeema Law, early intervention to reduce the risk factors and their impacts on the child and his family,  positive integration and partnership between government authorities, family and the society particularly those related to the responsibilities towards children and the extent to which the Child Rights Law is consistent with international agreements and the Constitution of the United Arab Emirates”.

She also noted that there are continuous awareness and educational remote efforts during the current year with a total attendance of 248 people, through smart technology in these unusual circumstances among the UAE society. We organized several workshops targeting students of Sharjah Private Education Authority and their parents as well as other specialized workshops targeting educational experts, social and psychological specialists, supervisors and administrators working in the authority. The ministry’s workshops targeted staff of relevant local departments and authorities to childhood in particular.

Eman Hareb stated that the Ministry of Community Development annually implements an integrated awareness plan on the Child Rights Law with a package of educational and awareness workshops targeting a wide range of members of the community and different authorities related child rights. This comes as part of the efforts of the Ministry and commitment to the definition of the law and its executive regulations, and contribution to the dissemination of the culture of child rights as widely as possible, in order to achieve the UAE directives maintaining the child right to life, survival and development, as well as all the necessary opportunities for them to live freely and securely.


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